The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#22 - December 2019 — Simplify Health News
Give a Gift of Health
Hopefully, you all had a delicious Thanksgiving! For me personally to be around my loved ones enjoying a healthy, freshly cooked meal as the priority of the day is perfect!
From my heart I want to say Thank You to all of you who follow my advice and make healthier habits your new reality. I am proud of you and grateful for this opportunity to help so many!
Enjoy this beautiful time of the year with an open heart and mind to the gifts you can give yourself and others. Both FIT Tests I offer make spectacular GIFTS!

#21 - November 2019 — Simplify Health News
Eat A Rainbow: The RED Foods
How are you? I am excited to be back at writing newsletters to all my clients! I have been so busy for the last year intensely studying with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and just graduated as a Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach.
So now I feel even more capable to help my clients with long lasting lifestyle changes in addition to Holistic Nutrition Consulting.
My services are listed below. I am still in my beautiful office at the Norwell Athletic Club. I continue to work with and offer the FIT Test with huge success and health improvements to/for my clients locally and long-distant.

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